388 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant

Installed Capacity: 388,5 MW (50Hz) at ISO condition with GT evaporative cooling, duct firing and fuel gas heating on.
Fuel: Natural Gas, with HHV-9832 kCal/m³
Plant condition: used, in excellent condition, under preservation as per OEM protocol
Construction start: 2006
Plant heat rate: 1730 kCal/Kwh (on HHV)
Configuration: 1 GE Gas Turbine 232,54 MW + 1 Alstom Germany Steam Turbine Condensing Type 156,15 MW, Generators and auxiliary units.
DCS: DCS Centum 3000, Yokogawa
The Power Plant at a glance:
Since it is under PPA (to be terminated) the plant is always kept in readiness assuring running condition of the plant. .
Long Term Assured Parts Supply Agreement and a Long Term Maintenance Contract with GE for maintenance of the gas turbine.
The plant is debt free and can be delivered quickly.
Download 388_MW Combined_Cycle Power-Plant teaser.pdf
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